The company Energy & Petroleum Consultants LTD. (E&PC) was founded in 2005. The company specializes in advising in the area of energy and hydrocarbons.
The company was founded by ex-employees retired from Petroleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA) with high expertise in all areas related to the oil industry and electricity sector, with over 30 years of experience in these markets.
Its founders as a result of the today’s complex oil market situation have identified the need to provide advice to companies involved in the oil business that want to optimize its supply sources and logistics. In this sense, E&PC is very well positioned for advising companies that want to interact with oil companies to continue or begin business with. On the other hand, can also assists power generating companies to seek cheaper alternative fuels to improve competitiveness in the electricity generation market.
One of our main business activities is the development of new fuels for power generation. In this sense, Energy and Petroleum Consultants (E&PC) owns exclusive rights to the patents for the fuel oil emulsification technology (EFO Project). These patents are registered in Colombia, as well as other countries. This technology is an offshoot of previous well know emulsification technology established in Venezuela back in the 1990’s for the commercialization of the Orinoco Heavy Oil Basin. The PDVSA subsidiary that commercialized the technology was Bitor, who built and operated a large emulsification plant in the basin and marketed the product (70% Orinoco Extra Heavy Crude 30% water) as Orimulsion®. The technology is proven through over 10 years of Orimulsion production and marketing for millions of barrels to several large industrial utilities throughout the world. The owners of E&PC were senior executives at Bitor during this time and therefor have broad and highly technical knowledge of this business segment.
As fundamental part of the company activities, we are continuously searching for improvement of the manufacturing process of our patented technologies trying to develop and offer the best product quality. On this topic, we have three main goals to achieve:
a) optimization of manufacturing costs,
b) Optimization of the formulation of the product
c) Alternative uses. Besides that,
we are continuously researching in areas such as:
Optimization of the emulsifier package (Formulation)
Evaluation of other raw materials and their mixtures
Optimization of emulsification conditions (pressure, temperature)
Preparation of concentrated emulsions (decrease of water content)
Applications such as marine fuel for bunkers
We have a pilot plant destined for the fulfillment of these activities, where we can experiment at an initial scale and then further test at the commercial plant